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Bible.is has been made available in conjunction with the Jesus film project, and not only features 1250 different Bible versions and translations, but also the entire Jesus film (in more than 1000 languages), as well as dramatized versions of most of the Bible translations. The app's motto is "faith comes by hearing", so there's a strong emphasis on audiovisual components. The full list of available translations can be found on Bible.is.

This app is by far the most extensive in terms of coverage of Bible translations in different languages. Most of them are old translations that are already in the public domain, but a few recent ones are also included.

None of the Bible translations can be downloaded for offline use. Additional functions and features are very basic. Not even a search function is included.

The app is ideal for individuals who regularly reach out to people from other cultures, and want to share their faith with those who speak a different language.

For Fire TV devices, there's a separate version of the Bible.is app, that has only the various audio versions of the Bible (both dramatized and plain), and no written versions. Additionally, this app can connect to a number of radio streams.

Download Bible.is Download Bible.is for Fire TV

App Title Bible.is
Cost Donation
Functions Bookmarks, Highlighting, Notes
Offline Bible Versions none
Online Bible Versions English (ESV, KJV, NAB, NASB, NIV, NLB, NRSB, WEB - all of them text and audio), Original Languages, 1250 more languages
Audio Versions same as online Bible versions
Paid Bible Versions none
Other works and writings The JESUS Film
Version 2.9.8
Size 14.1 MB
App-to-SD Yes
Android Version required 4.0


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Bible.is JESUS Film